When you want to add xiaomi/miio devices into Domoticz, Home Assistant or Homey. You need to obtain the device token of those products. There were several methods to obtain your tokens. But most of the methods were complicated or not working anymore.
other app
这里主要使用小米硬件设备,开始之前需要获取各个设备的token。参考homeassistant获取miio token的教程
目前推荐使用云端获取的方式 https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor
Way 1:1.1小米云服务
1.1 .1登录设备管理器
https://i.mi.com --随时随地,管理你的所有设备和数据
1.1.2 小米账号与云服务
1.1.3 使用您的米家账户在小米云端直接获取设备Token或重置设备-小米云账号登录地址
When you want to add xiaomi/miio devices into Domoticz, Home Assistant or Homey. You need to obtain the device token of those products. There were several methods to obtain your tokens. But most of the methods were complicated or not working anymore.
mi home app:适用。只支持使用mi home app 接入的设备
other app
Yeelight app:适用。Yeelight app 和 mi home app 之间的设备会互相自动同步到对方的app
aqara home app:不适用
apple home app:不适用
这里主要使用小米硬件设备,开始之前需要获取各个设备的token。参考homeassistant获取miio token的教程
目前推荐使用云端获取的方式 https://github.com/PiotrMachowski/Xiaomi-cloud-tokens-extractor
Getting the token is for local control. The token is a security feature between their cloud server(and then the mobile app) and the device so that everything goes through their cloud server which then uses another security feature. The mobile app actually sets that token and syncs with the cloud server when the device is added to your account. It is the same scheme Tuya uses for example and it is as painful to obtain this token from the Tuya plugs. Not sure how far you will be able to go with this given the fact that the token is a security feature and is unlikely to be made easier to obtain…
Way 1:1.1小米云服务
1.1 .1登录设备管理器
https://i.mi.com --随时随地,管理你的所有设备和数据
1.1.2 小米账号与云服务
1.1.3 使用您的米家账户在小米云端直接获取设备Token或重置设备-小米云账号登录地址