└── .Windows 10
├── ssh clent
│ ├── xshell7
│ │ ├── turn_light_off_bedroom.yaml
│ │ ├── turn_light_off_lounge.yaml
│ │ ├── turn_light_on_bedroom.yaml
│ │ └── turn_light_on_lounge.yaml
│ ├── xftp7
│ └── sensors
│ └── react.yaml
├── chorme :;8123
├── chorme : http:// ha.msly.cn
└── configuration.yaml (not included)
+-- bom Maven buildsystem: Bill of materials
| +-- openhab-addons Lists all extensions for other repos to reference them
| +-- ... Other boms
+-- bundles Official openHAB extensions
| +-- org.openhab.binding.airquality
| +-- org.openhab.binding.astro
| +-- ...
+-- features Part of the runtime dependency resolver ("Karaf features")
+-- itests Integration tests. Those tests require parts of the framework to run.
| +-- org.openhab.binding.astro.tests
| +-- org.openhab.binding.avmfritz.tests
| +-- ...
+-- src/etc Auxilary buildsystem files: The license header for automatic checks for example
+-- tools Static code analyser instructions
+-- CODEOWNERS This file assigns people to directories so that they are informed if a pull-request
would modify their add-ons.