2024年9月20日星期五 上午10:58:08

Diy开源ESPHome通用蓝牙网关-ESPHome+esp32 DIY蓝牙网关,接收解密米家蓝牙消息

2 年 前
#5976 引用


自制蓝牙网关ESPHome通用蓝牙网关(ESP32),用HA上的Passive BLE Monitor 集成.
1 年 前
#20538 引用


Use Xiaomi Miot For HomeAssistant 227 integration. Install it by manual. If it ask type of commands - select CLOUD connect.
Use vevs mod of Mi home for collect needed data. Install mod and create folders for logs: /vevs/logs/. After make folder - login to you acc. If you already logined - make relogin, for creating logs.
Go to you Roidmi EVE page and start segment cleaning.
Find in /vevs/logs/miio/ folder txt file with DID of you device. (in my case 441963123.txt)
Send log file to PC and find word ‘segmentId’ - this line will start segment cleaning. In my case line it is: 2021-08-02 20:48:12 → {“params”:{“did”:“441963123”,“siid”:14,“aiid”:1,“in”:[2,"{“mapId”:1627839123,“segmentId”:[3]}"]}} /miotspec/action
Just use data after “in”: this line in you scripts for params line. In my case it params: [2,"{“mapId”:1627839123,“segmentId”:[3]}"]
(additional) You also can use Xiaomi Cloud Map Extractor 57
This is my config for it:
  - platform: xiaomi_cloud_map_extractor
    host: 192.168.1.***
    token: 454f4********************9764b58
    username: s******@gmail.com
    password: ***********
    draw: ['all']
    store_map_raw: true
    force_api: roidmi
      - calibration_points
All needed data you can find in vevs mod - just tap and hold you device in start page, and choose reneame button - after you see window with all info about it, inc. token.